Electronics, Automation & Animatronics
It's amazing how much more effective a prop, artpiece, or replica becomes once you install electronics. An electrical enhancement can range anywhere from a single LED, to an entire array of multi-function servos and light boards operated automatically or manually through a complex controller board.
Adding Sound Effects to your project is also highly effective. We have options for sound enhacnements here as well.
Voodoo FX at has set the standard for prop and model LED lighting FX for years. I have
collaborated with them for several years which has been a wonderful experience. Our
work together has completely transformed this art and brought it to a new level. Check
out the videos at the bottom of this page for some animatronic features we developed.
Astonishing stuff!
Please email if you'd like to incorporate any of these FX into your project!!!
collaborated with them for several years which has been a wonderful experience. Our
work together has completely transformed this art and brought it to a new level. Check
out the videos at the bottom of this page for some animatronic features we developed.
Astonishing stuff!
Please email if you'd like to incorporate any of these FX into your project!!!
This page will be updated frequently. Please check back.
This demonstrates a very advanced automation module designed for lifesize statues. It is 100% self contained and involves a controller board (fully programmable) that automates the servo, sound loops, and LED patterns. Simply Amazing!!!
Email if you'd like to involve us in your automation project.
Visit the links section to visit the VOODOO FX who has been at the forefront of prop and model electronics for years.



Robotics Controller Board
See what you can do with all these features!!
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