Servo Automation

On the builders clubs online, most droid techs are using very complicated systems of gears and pulleys, and precision bearings on tracks etc... That's fine and dandy if you have alot of advanced electronic experience, but most of us don't. With the help of Andy Hutchinson, we found a very inexpensive solution to automating this robot.
My goal is to create full automation on a tight budget. You'll see that I take consideration to keep costs down and maintain high quality. This is demonstrated by the first stage of automation - using a $10 sit 'n spin for the dome rotation mechanism!!!! The servo, battery pack and remote shouldn't bring the budget of this project more than $100 total.
Once you have all your parts, you'll see that the dome is cast completely hollow which allows for electronics installation. The body is also completely hollow. As of 2.08 the body casting has a tighter perimeter lip. Start by shaving it down flush.
Before you begin creating a flat rim, install your bottom middle boot platform as shown:
Video of this system in action!!!
Andy also customized his droid by installing scooter motors into the boots. This looks like this: